
O álbum do cantor e produtor Pharrell Williams, que tem uma data de lançamento para o dia 3 de março, contem uma canção intitulada “Come Get It Bae” com a participação de Miley. Confira abaixo a letra oficial da música disponibilizada pela RockRapGenius.


You miss me?

I miss all of y’all

All of you girls standin’ together like that, I can’t take it


Women, I can do anything you like

I can do anything you need

And I got a better body

Than the magazines you read


None of them boys know the first thing about your fantasy

And if they tried, they can not do it just like me

[Miley Cyrus]

I know you certainly been gone

And it’s been much too long

And there’s some things we need to do

So I know you need to get home

[Pharrell & Miley]

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

You wanna ride it, my motorcycle

You’ve got a license, but you got the right to

Gonna pop a wheelie, don’t try too high too

Take it easy on the clutch, cause girl I like you


I can see it the way you like

I can do anything you need

I can give you dirty looks

Like them niggas that’s on T.V


None of them boys know the first thing about your fantasy

And if they tried, they can not do it just like me

[Miley Cyrus]

I know you certainly been gone

And it’s been much too long

And there’s some things we need to do

So I know you need to get home

[Pharrell & Miley]

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

You wanna ride it, my motorcycle

You’ve got a license, but you got the right to

Gonna pop a wheelie, don’t try too high too

Take it easy on the clutch, cause girl I like you

[Miley Cyrus]

There comes a time, when craving will grab your wrist

You’ll need a sugar fix, baby

There comes a time, and you won’t believe what you’ll do

When that sugar’s callin’ you


Girl, this is Sho-time, this is where you wanna be

H-O-M-E, satisfaction guaranteed

And there will come a time, this is where you wanna be

Cause it’s everything you need, you were lonely mindin’ me

[Pharrell & Miley]

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

Come get it bae

You wanna ride it, my motorcycle

You’ve got a license, but you got the right to

Gonna pop a wheelie, don’t try too high too

Take it easy on the clutch, cause girl I like you

Caso percebam algum erro, seja onde for, gostaríamos de saber onde. Deixe suas dúvidas ou qualquer correção da letra em nossos comentários. A equipe MCyrus.com agradece!

Fonte: rock.rapgenius.com

Publicada por: Miley Cyrus Brasil

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